Christmas Prize Draw 2022 Winner!
Remember Christmas? Seems like so long ago now! To inject a little bit of holiday spirit back into the bleakness of January, we’re delighted to announce WB Games Montreal’s Darren Perianen as the winner of our Christmas Prize Draw 2022.
Darren told Speech Graphics Santa that he wanted a Steam Deck for Xmas, so hopefully, the $100 Amazon voucher might help, if a Valve failed to fall down the chimney last month.
Santa had a huge number of requests; some more unusual than others. In among the smartphones, Disneyland tickets and Lego, one happy camper asked for “a giant kaiju so that I can train it to destroy the world!”, while another (clearly avid theatre-goer) wants “Joaquin Phoenix to act out a play”.
Meanwhile, the gift of Speech Graphics keeps on giving. Last year, we launched our Unreal plugin, and our Director module, which allows processed animation to be refined without handling at keyframe level.
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