Pride 2022 at Speech Graphics!

Pride Month 2022 is upon us! Through this time, we are reflecting how we can better support and uplift our LGBTQIA+ community in the workplace. We strive to make sure that Speech Graphics provides inclusive spaces for all our employees, all over the world. We want all of our employees to safely express their authentic selves, no matter who they are, where they live or who they love.

Speech Graphics has experienced significant growth over the last year. As this growth continues, it's key that our culture and practices are welcoming and inclusive for everyone, and that they are reflective of our diverse team. We have been taking proactive steps to achieve this goal, for example rolling out using preferred pronouns in our internal & external communications, and through the creation of a D&I Slack channel where employees can access and share resources. 

What we’re really excited about, and what will help us stay accountable, is the launch of our new Learning & Development programme which includes Diversity & Inclusion as one of our 4 key pillars. Over the next 12 months, company wide and role specific training events will take place, including:

  • Unconscious Bias/Conscious Inclusion

  • Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

  • Inclusive Recruitment

  • Awareness Raising

  • Inclusive Leadership

These training events will also be supported through themed discussions around Pride, Mental Health Awareness, and Disability Awareness (to name just a few). We are in the process of removing gendered language from our company documentation and policies, as well as working with our office provider to create more inclusive workspaces. There is still much that we can improve on, but we are committed to eliminating bias in our workplace. 

We’re excited to celebrate Pride across our global offices, especially when we all meet for our Global Gathering Event at the end of the month in Edinburgh! Make sure to follow our social media channels to keep up with our celebrations.


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Meet me on the corner… GDC 2022