Pride 2022 at Speech Graphics!
Pride Month 2022 is upon us! We’ve reflected on how we can better support and uplift our LGBTQIA+ community in the workplace. We strive to make sure that Speech Graphics provides inclusive spaces for all our employees, all over the world.
Meet me on the corner… GDC 2022
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… GDC is almost here, and we’re looking forward to seeing you at booth P1852.
Speech Graphics Named Startup of the Year, 2019!
We are delighted to announce that Speech Graphics have been named the Startup of the Year at the Scottish Tech Startup Awards 2019.
SGX in Beyond A Steel Sky
We are delighted to announce that Revolution software has licensed SGX to animate dialogue in English and several other languages in the upcoming Beyond a Steel Sky.
2018 TIGA Awards Finalist
Speech Graphics are pleased to announce that we have been shortlisted for the 2018 TIGA Awards!
Sansar's Creator Beta
SansarTM, the world’s leading social VR platform, today opened its creator beta to the public.
A Case for Utilising Automation and Machine learning for Large Scale Content Production
Facial motion capture is a semi-automated approach where a camera tracks the movements of the face which while much faster than traditional hand animation, can yield great results for gross facial movement, is error-prone for lip-synch because of occlusions of the inner contour of the lips.
Facial Animation in Korean, Polish & Mandarin
Facial animation in Korean, Polish and Mandarin.
Speech Graphics Win Best Animation Supplier at TIGA Awards
It has been a great few weeks for us here at Speech Graphics. We attended the TIGA Awards, where we won Best Animation Supplier, came third in UK’s first IP League Table, and are celebrating our fifth birthday!
Speech Graphics Shortlisted for Awards, 2015
Our friends at Develop shortlisted Speech Graphics for an Industry Excellence Award. Our category is Creative Outsourcer – Visual & Development, a new category this year, and we were nominated based on our orc animations in Shadow of Mordor.
Deep Learning for 3D Facial Animation
You might have heard some buzz around deep learning in the news. For the uninitiated, it is a method of machine learning that recognizes patterns in data. It has some similarities to how the audio-visual cortex in the brain processes stimuli.
World’s first high fidelity 3D animation of human speech organs
Speech Graphics creates world’s first high fidelity animation of human speech organs.
Quantic dream facial animation: pros and cons
Procedural, audio-based animation remains the best solution for the lower face, especially when you are aiming for this level of realism.
Audiomotion Studios & Speech Graphics Collaboration
For their first combined demo, the team brought to life a 3D character based on a well-known celebrity, proving that the two technologies work well together.
Multilingual Lip Sync Animation Solution Showcase
We will be showcasing a new leading-edge lip-sync solution at the Game Developers Conference Expo in San Francisco (March 7-9).
John Logie Baird Award finalists
Speech Graphics is one of three finalists in its category for the John Logie Baird Award, a Scottish awards scheme for excellence in innovation, named after the Scottish inventor of the television.